
Holistic optimization, real results.

Our comprehensive approach enables us to optimize your assets holistically.

  • Optimization Solutions.

    We provide solutions for optimizing energy storage and all other energy assets, power production and consumption.

    We understand energy business, technology, and trading (power, origin, emission), leveraging software development and intelligence to help you to navigate in the turbulent energy market.

  • Digital Transformation.

    We believe in digital transformation and its power to revolutionize energy procurement and consumption. Our optimization solutions are accompanied by agile energy market utilization strategies. AI enables us to bring efficiency, accuracy, and predictive action to your energy procurement and management strategies.

  • Focus on your core.

    With our energy intelligent services, we allow our customers to focus on their core business.

    Our solutions will help you to optimize energy flows, ensure security of supply, manage risks, and meet your sustainability targets.

“From procurement to operations.

We've got energy optimized for your needs.”

Jarkko Avikainen, CEO, NSC EnergyOpti

Energy is intensive.

Digital, dynamic, dedicated.